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DS 120 Grapic Design


December 2022

the details of DS 120, a captivating graphic design book cover that celebrates Islamic heritage while infusing a modern twist. This cover design, crafted by CA Berebbia and A Martinez, combines elements of traditional Islamic aesthetics with contemporary graphic design principles.
The key inspiration behind DS 120 was to honor Islamic heritage through a sophisticated visual representation. The prominent color palette used in Islamic architecture—shades of blue, green, and white—was meticulously incorporated into the design to evoke a sense of elegance and cultural richness.

One of the standout features of this book cover is the prominent use of Arabic calligraphy. The title of the book is presented in Arabic script, beautifully integrated into the overall composition. This calligraphic element not only adds aesthetic beauty but also reflects the essence of Islamic art and culture.
The modern twist in DS 120's design lies in the sleek and minimalist approach, blending traditional motifs with contemporary graphic elements. The intricate patterns and geometric shapes commonly found in Islamic art are subtly hinted at, creating a harmonious balance between heritage and innovation.

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